a brief thesis on utopia, 2019
Read the story of utopias.
Every utopia is both a centre and a periphery. It is the centre by virtue of the hopes, dreams, desires, intentions and designs that its believers and/or inhabitants invest in it. At the same time, from inception, a utopia is outside the centre because a utopia is an instance of difference: an act of resistance, a declaration of independence issued in response to an existing injurious, oppressive, or unjust system that dominates and dictates.
Therefore, however temporary, transient and ephemeral instances of utopia may be, their nature combines the past (what has been) with the future (what must come to be) at every moment that they are enacted.
From moment to moment, living in a utopia is not only an act of affirmation of the now of its existence, but a consequential and resounding adoption of the location of its enactment, its here:
For, to be real, every utopia needs a place, not only on the political/imaginary axis of centre-periphery, but in the geography of such designated locales. As a place, a location, the here of a utopia inherits the history of the place – for no place can exist outside history – and, thus, its realities and myths.
A utopia, therefore, at its very foundation, combines myth and reality; and, in imagining and manifesting itself, continues to build on its pre-existing myths and realities while spinning new ones.
COMING SOON Read Utopias In-Progress: Seven Brief Theses on Art, Revolution and Autonomy.
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